The “Quiz met Ballen,” a TV program to which we contributed with enthusiasm by handling the construction of the set. This set not only served as the backdrop for the mentioned program but also underwent multiple transformations, adopting different names and colors to suit various productions. As an additional service, we also managed the storage facilities, allowing us to adapt the set repeatedly, resulting in a seamless and efficient collaboration.
The versatility of the set, serving under different guises, highlights not only our construction capabilities but also our flexibility to meet changing demands. The ability to store and adapt the set to various productions has not only led to cost efficiency but also a streamlined workflow.

The “Quiz met Ballen” and its evolution under different names and colors attest to a successful collaboration and an efficient approach. It was not just a matter of building a set but creating a versatile and adaptable platform capable of meeting the diverse requirements of various television productions. The ability to adapt quickly and efficiently is a hallmark of our collaboration.